Commissioned Composer Program
The Idaho Music Teachers Association sponsors a Commissioned Composer program, on a biennial basis. A call for applications from Idaho composers is sent out, usually in January of the commissioning year. Submissions are received and reviewed by a committee of IMTA members. After reviewing the applicants, the committee selects one applicant to be our Commissioned Composer for that year. The successful applicant composes a piece which is premiered at the IMTA State Conference. The piece also gets submitted to the national organization for consideration in the MTNA Distinguished Composer of the Year competition, representing the state of Idaho. Our most recent commissioned composer from Idaho was George Halsell of Twin Falls, whose piece Three Movements for Horn Quartet was awarded Honorable Mention in the MTNA Composer of the Year competition for 2019!
Since we began this endeavor in 2016, the quality and variety of composer submissions has been very impressive. We have a lot of great composers here in Idaho! As a performer and teacher who is strongly committed to promoting the work of today’s composers, I am thrilled by the support of this program by our members, and proud to help promote our Idaho composers. Our next call for application will go out in 2022, so please help to spread the word about this opportunity.
Dr. Roger McVey, NCTM
Commissioned Composer State Chair, IMTA
Associate Professor of Piano, University of Idaho