Certification is a process that validates an individual’s qualifications for a specific field of professional practice. It demonstrates to employers, clients, and peers that which the individual knows and is able to do. It signifies commitment to continued excellence in professional practice. In addition, it increases visibility, builds credibility, provides a goal for personal professional achievement, and validates expertise for the individual and to those outside the field.
The MTNA Professional Certification program exists for teachers who teach music to students of any age level in private or group settings. The program is based upon a set of five standards defining what a competent music teacher should know and be able to do:
Standard I: Professional Preparation
Standard II: Professional Teaching Practices
Standard III: Professional Business Management
Standard IV: Professionalism and Partnerships
Standard V: Professional and Personal Renewal
Upon fulfillment of these standards, applicants are granted the MTNA Professional Certification credential with the designation, Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM). The credential and designation are granted without bias, discrimination, or favoritism between MTNA members and/or non-members or any other arbitrary differentiation. In order to maintain the MTNA Professional Certification credential and designation, NCTM must continue fulfilling the program’s standards through the renewal process.
The MTNA Professional Certification program is objectively administered in a uniform manner to ensure fairness, accuracy, validity, and integrity. Due process for reconsideration and reinstatement is included in the program for certification candidates, renewal candidates, and for those who already hold the MTNA Professional Certification credential.
As a nationally certified teacher, you have already accomplished a significant goal in your professional education and standing in your community. MTNA recognizes that you have made a commitment to continuing education throughout your teaching career. In support of that decision, the Piano Technicians Guild (PTG) is sponsoring two scholarships available only to MTNA certified members. One of these annual scholarships in the amount of $750 is to be used specially for Recreational Music Making and the other in the amount of $1,000 for furthering one’s teaching skills through continued education and/or performance study.
This is an exceptional opportunity to receive scholarship funds to continue teacher training, attend a conference or workshop that otherwise might not be available to you, or study with a master teacher.
Additional information and the application form may be found on the MTNA Certification Website.
MTNA now offers online renewal and electronic submission of Teacher Profile Projects.
For new certification candidates, once a certification application has been received at National headquarters, an email will be sent containing a link to the system. This system will allow candidates to download the music scores that must be analyzed for Project 2, as well as the scenarios for Project 5. Candidates will also be able to upload their written portion of the Projects and any supporting documents, as well as the required videos.
Whether renewing certification as a permanent professional or with either documentation of points or administrative verification, NCTMs can complete their renewals online Renewals are due by July 1.
Spring 2008: Debbie Wallace and Janet Folster award the third and fourth Certification Incentives to Jill Wright and Kristie Rue.