Reed was presented with a commemorative plaque from Idaho MTA at a TVMTA local chapter meeting in December 2007.
Margaret J. Vincent, NCTM, maintains a piano studio and conducts classes in piano pedagogy in the Twin Falls area. She holds a Masters Degree in Piano Performance and Pedagogy from Boise State University, having studied with Madeleine Hsu and Dr. Del Parkinson. She is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music in the Music Teachers National Association. She is a former member of the faculty of the College of Southern Idaho, having been head of the Keyboard Division and coordinator of the Music Department.
Margaret is a past chairman of the Sonata and Sonatina Festival of the Magic Valley Music Teachers Association and an active member of the local chapter. She is a member of the Magic Valley Symphony, past State President of the Idaho Federation of Music Clubs and a member of the national keyboard of directors. She was director and founding member of the CSI Music Festival summer camp. She and her husband received the Governor’s Award for Support of the Arts in Idaho in 1990.